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79137767 568566443725454 3006621804648202240 n 1Expert Alumni Panelists Volunteer For Our MS Students' Ancient Egypt Project Presentations:

As part of our Middle School unit on Ancient Egypt, we ask CAC Grade 6 students to create a video that is meant to help boost tourism to the ancient sites of Egypt. 

We ask students the following question: “Can we design videos that will make tourists excited to see Ancient Egypt?”

Students are placed into teams and are charged with the design and production of a 90-second video that highlights the most important and noteworthy sites of Egypt. Since it is an Ancient Civilizations course, we decided to focus solely on Ancient Egypt (30 BCE and prior).

Every year we invite a wonderful group of diverse expert alumni volunteers from around the world as panelists with the aim of both creating a true learning experience, and inspiring students with CAC role models that were once students in their shoes. Panelists have experience in diverse industries ( tourism, Egyptology/Antiquities, branding, sales, advertising and production). 

After getting to know the students and providing them with their backgrounds, alumni panelists listen attentively to each team's presentations, observe and score students' presentations and introductions to their project, provide questions about the content of the video and questions of clarification that force the teams to justify their positions (Why did you choose that photo? Why did you choose that type of music,...etc.), provide feedback about what worked well and what needs some work, and provide overall opinions on the project itself.

A big thank you to all our expert alumni panelist volunteers for providing our students with a unique real life learning opportunity they will never forget!

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1 Midan Digla - Maadi 11431



