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TarekZaghloulJoined the Board in July 2018 as a community representative for a two-year term and was appointed for three consecutive one-year terms ending in 2023. Dr. Zaghloul is the father of an ES and MS student,  a qualified surgeon and specialist in pediatrics who worked extensively with children and their parents.  In his present role as a CEO of a Petrochemical company he is aware of the many innovations and constant changes of the IT and technology sections of this industry and  believes strongly that it is essential for our students to graduate with the ability to absorb and adapt quickly to the innovations in IT and technology in their chosen fields.

Dr. Zaghloul represented Egypt on international business councils, worked on Crisis Management Committees in the UK and  sees Health, Safety and Environment as the most important focus in the company which he represents and gives it priority. His expertise includes Long Term Budget Planning, Project Management, Corporate Sustainability, Interaction with Government Agencies and IT.


1 Midan Digla - Maadi 11431



